5 Things to Look For when Test Driving a Car
5 Things to Look For when Test Driving a Car
Posted on March 20, 2018
It is a long and arduous process to shop for your perfect new or pre-owned car. Often, overwhelmed shoppers tend to rush through the process. However, to ensure that your car performs to your satisfaction, it is essential to perform a test drive and a thorough inspection of your used car. It is essential you consider these five factors when test driving your car.
Does the exterior and mechanical specifications suit your need?
If you have a certain exterior look in mind, see if the car suits your need. If buying a used vehicle, you must inspect for any dents, changes in paint, or scratches. Watch carefully if all areas on the frame match right and all parts are properly aligned. Any misalignment may be an indication of the bodywork being redone in the past. Check for any rattling sounds or bangs when performing a cold start of the engine. Also, lift the hood and inspect for any signs of metal wear or rusting. You must also ensure oil to be clean by pulling out the oil level indicator beside checking for any oil leaks.
Does the vehicle fit your cargo and passenger needs?
If you’re looking for a certain amount of room or leg space or extended cargo space in your car despite looking for a smaller car like a sedan, you must check the vehicle for spaciousness. Check the trunk area and the leg space in the passenger as well as the rear seat before getting behind the wheel.
Are you comfortable in the driver’s seat?
The most important requirement from any vehicle you are seeking to buy is that the driver must be comfortable in his seat. You must hence not test drive believing that you could adapt to it later and rather take the time to adjust the mirrors and the seat height and incline to your comfort as soon as you get into the car. Look around and see how comfortable you are with handling important controls and the navigation system. Also, you must play with the infotainment system and see if there is enough space to keep your stuff like mobile phone and sunglasses. That way you’d be able to visualize better how convenient the car will be to you in the long run.
Is the interior comfortable and does it suit your requirement?
If planning to buy the car, you are likely to keep it for long and hence you must like the environment it has to offer. Open all four doors of the car and sit on each of the seats to feel what the car has to offer. Besides an inviting and comfortable environment, you need to ensure that the seat frame is supportive and the upholstery does not smell strange or shows signs of wear, tear, or discoloration. The interior must feel comfortable enough for you to picture yourself driving the car on a daily basis without regretting the purchase.
Is the car easy to handle and maneuver?
While it may seem to make sense to drive only around the dealership’s parking lot, it is a mistake you’re committing as a car buyer. You wouldn’t be able to figure out how the car handles the turns on various roads and how easy is it to maneuver. It is best you drive around places you are most likely to drive around frequently when you own the car, like your home, your workspace, or your children’s school, especially if they are in close vicinity of the dealership you are seeking to buy from.